C.A.T.S.-C.A.N., Inc.
P.O Box 622543
Oviedo, FL 32762
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What does TNR stand for?

TNR stands for Trap Neuter Return, a worldwide program that helps keep community cats healthy and keep population numbers down 

Cats are trapped with a humane live trap and kept inside at the caretaker's home overnight a couple of days before or the night before spay/neuter surgery.  They are then brought to the vet to be spayed/neutered, receive their vaccinations, have their ear tipped and get a quick physical. A few days after they have recovered the cat will then be released back where it was trapped to be cared for by the colony manager.  

What is an ear tip and what does it mean?

When a feral/community cat is fixed we take a small notch off the top of their ear. This is to show that the cat has been spayed or neutered, vaccinated and is being cared for.  Also, if the cat is trapped again we can tell right away that the cat has been fixed and it can be released.

Does this hurt the cat?

The ear tip is given when the cat is already anesthestized for their spay/neuter surgery so they do not feel it.

What happens if an ear tipped cat is picked up by animal control?

Different counties have different rules. You would need to look up what the regulations are in your area. Ideally they would be released back where they came from because they have already been fixed and are causing ;no harm.

What is a community cat?

A community cat is a cat that lives outside. Some people call them strays or feral cats.  Sometimes these are cats that have been abandoned and have reverted to a semi wild state, and other times they are cats that were born outside and have never had experience with people. These kitties often prefer not to be petted, held or sometimes even be around people, but they still deserve to be fed and live quality lives. Kind people donate their time to feed these cats and protect the colony.

What is a colony?

A colony is a group of community cats that a caretaker feeds and takes care of. If a cat is not socialized then a managed colony is the perfect home for them. If you have any interest in volunteeing to help a managed colony we can help you find people who need help!

I have found a stay cat that needs to be fixed. What do I do?

There is help for you!

There are organizations in this area that will help you trap the cat, provide reduced/free (when grants are available) vetting and give you plenty of tips and tricks on how to care for the cat.

Ally Cat Allies is an excellent place to start learning more on how to trap and help the cats to the best of your ability. 

CARE TNR is an amazing non-profit organization that can lend you traps and help you set up vet appointments. For Orange County residents they often have grants through Orange County Animal Services to provide free spay/neuter for feral community cats.

Spay n Save is another amazing non-profit organization that can rent out traps to you, and help you schedule reduced vetting options. You can call them on any week day between nine and five and they will be more than happy to help. They also have walk-in days on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday for feral cats in traps only.

Snip-it is another fairly new low cost clinic that is offering services in the Kissimmee area.

I don't know what to do. I can't trap this cat. I need help.

Calm down, it will be alright! You can send an email to catscaninc@gmail.com and ask for tips on how to trap your cat. We have volunteers with many years experience who are happy to share trapping tips.