C.A.T.S.-C.A.N., Inc.
P.O Box 622543
Oviedo, FL 32762
Kittens   |  Teens   |  Adults   |  Seniors   |  Must Adopts   |  Special Needs   |  Recent Arrivals   |  Cats: 61

  Search Successes

Thank you so much for considering spending your time helping our organizations. Any little help is much appreciated!


Calling all Volunteers! We would like your help!

Every Weekend we hold events at the Petsmart in Oviedo to help our kitties find their new families. You can help find those families...and cuddle some kitties while doing so!

We are on the Bright Future List of volunteering sites and will give you hours for all the work you complete.

So if you are 16 or older and would like to volunteer then please click on the application below and fill it out

Please note:If you have already filled out a foster application you do not need to fill this out.

Volunteer Application

If you are under 18 please also have your parent fill out a volunteer consent form. Once this is filled out please send it to catscaninc@gmail.com

Volunteer Parental Consent