C.A.T.S.-C.A.N., Inc.
P.O Box 622543
Oviedo, FL 32762
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Florida Animals Friends

Florida animals friends is an awesome organization. Their mission statement is “To help save the lives of countless unwanted cats and dogs by supporting organizations that offer free or low-cost spay and neuter services across the state of Florida.”

Ten years helping to end pet over-population

In 2004, Florida State senator Nan Rich sponsored a bill for an animal license plate to raise funds to provide education on the benefits of spaying and neutering pets, as well as financial assistance to not-for-profit spay/neuter programs across the state of Florida. Soon after, the Florida Animal Control Agency, the Florida Veterinary Medical Association and the Humane Society of the United States banded together and formed Florida Animal Friend. Incorporated in October 2005, Florida Animal Friend’s goal is to help end pet overpopulation.

The main source of funding for the organization is the sale of the specialty license plate along with private and charitable donations. On an annual basis, Florida Animal Friends’ Board of Directors review grant applications from non-profit and municipal agencies across Florida. These agencies have programs in place to conduct spay and neuter surgeries in which Florida Animal Friend helps to fund up to $25,000 per year per organization. In the 10-year history, over $5,000,000 have been given to worthy organizations. An increase in the number of these surgeries greatly reduces pet overpopulation and ultimately saves the lives of countless homeless cats and dogs from being put to sleep each year.

Please help support them and their mission! You can visit their website and check out their license plates!